Call This “Nexus Of Politics And Entertainment” Thursday

May 7, 2009

american-flag-model-bikiniI gotta tell ya’ that I really don’t have much today, but I just wanted to take note of some of the following stories that more or less have somewhat of a common thread (hopefully, you’ll agree).

To begin, this CNN story tells us that Dem Rep Jim Moran of Virginia has introduced the so-called “Families for ED Advertising Decency Act,” which aims to …

…(prevent) erectile dysfunction and male enhancement ads from appearing on radio and television between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 p.m.

“This [the advertisements] is an intrusion into our daily lives that I believe has become inappropriate.” Moran said in an interview with CNN. “There is a saturation of the television airwaves with these E.D. ads, and they have gotten more pervasive, more blunt, and less subtle.”

Yes, I will grant you that I have also had my fill of ads of this type, and that includes anything pertaining to feminine hygiene or adult incontinence. And I agree that there is a time and place for this sort of stuff, and I don’t know if that is during regular viewing hours or not. However, I don’t see the need for a law or action on this subject (regardless of what I think of Pfizer, they do have a right to make money off their products unless they are found to do harm).

In response, I’d like to see a legislator introduce a “Turn Off The Damn TV And/Or Radio When I Hear Or See Something Objectionable and Read A Book, Newspaper or Magazine Instead” Act (and why the hell has Bob Brady of Philadelphia signed on as a co-sponsor to this mess – nothing on his web site about it of course).

And if you thought that was all I had on this, all I can say is “But Wait! There’s More!”

This tells us that porn film star Stormy Daniels may challenge Incumbent Senate Repug “Diaper Dave” Vitter of Louisiana for his seat next year (the irony of an actress in “exotic pictures” challenging a “family values” Repug who was busted for consorting with a prostitute is almost too good to be true – and speaking of Vitter, he’s currently engaged in blocking Obama’s FEMA nominee Craig Fugate, as noted here, which is particularly stupid with hurricane season approaching in a few months – update 5/13: Vitter lifted the hold).

And since I noted a couple of stories related to sex, then I should do the same for that other staple of our consumption, and that would be violence; this tells us that President Obama is “packing heat” in a new comic where he has to fend for himself after the Secret Service is dispatched by bad guys (hey, if Dubya can imagine blowing up Iran and Ahmadinejad with a nuke on “Robot Chicken,” then this isn’t such a stretch after all).

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